eHealth, Remote Assistance & Healthcare
Thursday 22nd November
9.00 a.m. -1.00 p.m.
GREAT Campus Erzelli, Liguria Digitale – Auditorium Liguria
Chairman: Matteo Santoro, President Vicar, Polo Ligure Scienze della Vita
Opening Session and introductory reports
Giancarlo Vinacci, Councilor for Economic Development, Municipality of Genoa
Paolo Piccini, Sole Administrator, Liguria Digitale
Alberto Pilotto, Geriatrics Director, Ospedale Galliera
Andrea De Censi, Edical Oncology Director, Ospedali Galliera
Data governance: taking charge of chronic and frail patients
Roberto Soj, General Manager, Lombardia Informatica
Carlo Castellano, Genova High Tech
First Session
E-Health: recent developments of the synergy between ICT and Clinic in one of the most interesting and innovative fields for high-tech Healthcare
Healthcare and Life Sciences have always attracted the interest of researchers and companies, becoming one of the favorite and most challenging test fields for high-tech innovation. Futurists consider them intriguing subjects for their predictions, analysis and discussions. Massive changes are already occurring: from Artificial Intelligence applied to the so-called Internet of Medical Things creating real opportunities for patient empowerment and life safeness, to the huge investments in the Precision Medicine initiative paving the way to new frontiers for personalized diagnostics and medicine.
In this workshop, we will gather some protagonists of this innovation and look at actual examples of this revolution already “in place”. The goal is to establish a network of collaborations and possible new projects to make our territory one of the “Innovation hotspots” for Life Sciences in the World.
Chariman: Roberto Tedone, CTS Member, Polo Scienze della Vita
Speeches by
Genova’s climate for medical technology research and innovation
Leonardo De Mattos, Head of Biomedical Robotics Lab, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Alessandro Verri, BioMedical Big data della Liguria (BMB)
Francesco Frassoni, Director of Staminal Cells Center and Cellular Therapy, Istituto Scientifico Giannina Gaslini di Genova
Second Session
Remote Assistance & Healthcare: the new frontiers for domiciliary diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing procedures
The outstanding growth of the elderly population in the western world, where Liguria is a meaningful example (28% of residents over 65 years old, 30% in the Tigullio area, versus 12% in the USA) induce a rapid and draconian revisitation of ICP to limit the healthcare cost and also guarantee the essential assistance. The cost of chronic conditions is over 70% of the regional expenses bore by the National Health Service (in Liguria is over 3.5 B€/ per year but in Lombardy is over 11 B€/ per year!) and the majority share is surely hospitalization expenses. This progressive divergence forces a massive development of healthcare domiciliation and only a hi-tech improvement of the field will satisfy the growing economic and personal needs of the patients.
Speeches by
Next Generation Hearing Aids in Remote Assistance & Healthcare
Luca Racca, Responsible of Production and Quality System, Linear
Angelo Schenone, Neurologic Clinic Director, Ospedale San Martino
Kibi ensures the independence of your beloved
Antonella Giuni, Marketing R&D Manager, TESEO
Stefano Rovetta, Founding Partner, Vega Research Laboratories
QuotidianaMente: Virtual Reality to improve the lives of intellectual disabled people
Davide Pantile, Project and Account Manager, ETT