FI.L.S.E. is the technical subject that supports and assists the Liguria Region and other Ligurian territorial bodies in the design, definition and implementation of policies and interventions to support the Ligurian economic system. FI.L.S.E. with its subsidiaries companies as an “integrated system” for participation in company capital, internationalization, territorial marketing, recovery and regeneration of industrial areas, support for the social economy, development of new infrastructures and the definition of energy policies.

Liguria International
Liguria International is the company of the Liguria Region, participated by the system of the Ligurian Chambers of Commerce, dedicated to the implementation and coordination of regional policies in the field of internationalization. Its objectives are: to support and promote the Ligurian economic system in internationalization processes; fostering cooperation between Ligurian SMEs and foreign companies operating in sectors of particular interest for the Ligurian system, such as the growing high-tech sector, the sea economy, the agro-food industry and quality artistic craftsmanship.

SMARTcup Liguria 2018 is the competition of entrepreneurial ideas with high technological content that aim to promote and support the launch of innovative realities resulting from the best results of national research, encouraging the development of the regional territory. The initiative, promoted by Regione Liguria, is organized by FI.L.S.E.

Smau is an independent and dynamic platform. Every year 50,000 entrepreneurs, public and private companies choose Smau to growth up and update about innovation and digital themes. Roadshow 2018 is the reference event for the Italian innovation ecosystem, will be held in Genoa from 20th to 23rd November into the Genova Smart Week