The role of cities as means for circular economy’s development
Thursday 22nd November
9.00 a.m. -1.00 p.m.
Salone di Rappresentanza, Palazzo Tursi
Circular economy is an economic system that can regenerate itself minimizing its external input of material and energy. The interpretations of this definition are different, like the so-called steady – state economy. At this time, the attention of the developed countries is focused on three main areas of interest: the conversion to renewable resources, at least of part of the generative energetic capacity, both electric and thermal, the reduction and subsequent elimination of waste and the reuse and recycle of materials.
Cities, often defined as “urban mines and deposits”, are the main characters of these areas of interest because they are the place of waste production, disposal and management. Organic urban waste is becoming always more frequently an important part of biogas, bio-methane, agricultural substrata and fertilizer production. Moreover, reusable resources, like plastic, glass, metals and raw materials, can be obtained disassembling and recycling industrial waste.
It is necessary an organization of local authorities and private subjects in order to develop a circular economic system, both in the industrial and services field (for example in the selection, disassembling and separation of urban waste). This session will explain the necessity of this evolution with the exposition of efficient case studies and innovative experiences.
Chairman: Marco Capellini, CEO, MATREC
Opening session and introductory reports
Matteo Campora, Councilor for Environment, Municipality of Genoa
Luigi Attanasio, President, Genoa’s Chamber of Trade
Roberto Paterlini, CEO, Iren Ambiente
Luca Pesce, Operation Director, Geofor
Carbon from biowaste as renewable resource of biomethane and compost: the experience of Biotec Sistemi in the world
Paolo Bozano Gandolfi, CEO, Biotec Sistemi
Nicola Tagliafierro, Head of Sustainable Product Development Innovation and Product Lab, Enel X
Presentation of the winning ideas of the Hackaton “PartyCloud Challenge for Genova”
Alessandro Zonin, Chief Marketing Officer, Dock Joined in tech
Round Table: Circular economy applied to the territory: case history
Environment producer – a real application
Piero Manzoni, CEO, Neorurale
Wood, plastics, WEEE and biowaste. FORCE project in Genoa
Ilaria Marzoli, Project Manager, FORCE
RICIBO network – social innovation and circular economy combating food waste
Roberta Massa, Ricibo
Marco Malfatto, Project Manager, Ricibo
The recycling and reuse of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Marco Scagliarini, Responsabile Marketing and Environment Development, Cooperativa il Rastrello
Conversion of vegetal carbon of high carbon garbage
Fabio Corradi, CEO, Eco2logic
Valentina Stoppani, tRiciclo–Bimbi a basso impatto
Carla Villa, Professor – Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Cosmetic Product, ACCADERMICA